How Coaching Can Transform Your Business — And Your Life
If you dream about breaking through to the next level in your business — the level where your business runs itself instead of running you ragged — then let me share what can happen when you take a different approach.
I have more than 50,000 hours experience running a business.
But I still remember the very first hour of my very first day.
It was 9 am, the Tuesday after Labor Day. I walked into a small, street-level office with no curtains, no clients and no phone — and no idea what I was getting into.
But I wanted my own business. So I learned as I went.
And along the way to growing a successful, award-winning strategic communications company, I learned a lot…
…from my employees.
…from my competitors.
… but mostly, from my mistakes.
In time, my company grew. I hired one employee. Then another.
Slowly, I made the transition from working as a communications professional to running a professional communications business — with millions in billings.
I learned how to build a successful team (and how not to).
I learned the necessity of building business systems — financial, production, pricing, marketing.
I learned that everything in a business falls into one of four categories:
- Running the business
- Doing the business
- Getting the business
- Guiding the business.
For a long time I spent all of my time on the first three and no time on the fourth.
Eventually, I learned how to delegate. In some cases, delegation came easy; in a few instances, my staff needed a crowbar to pry work out of my hands.
The result?
A company that often ran itself. A company that employees and clients wanted to stay with.
It would be difficult to name a business problem that I haven’t wrestled with — from hiring and firing, to financing and phone systems, to strategic plans and sudden crises.
And, of course, let’s not forget my favorite: cash flow.
One of the best things we ever did at my company was to hire a small business coach-consultant.
Someone with the skills, experience, and wisdom to give us (and especially me) an outside perspective.
Someone to facilitate missing conversations.
And someone to stand in my corner. Because it does get lonely at the top.
Our organization grew to the point that I was able to sell my business to a key employee. The transition was seamless.
Today, I help other businesses as a coach-consultant. In addition to my business experience, I am also a certified professional coach.
I love this work.
As a consultant I can help you and your team…
…create a ‘process dependent‘ business so all of your employees are doing what you need them to.
…build a growth strategy
…design a marketing plan
…step up to to the next level of managing
…plan and implement projects
…and brainstorm solutions for whatever is keeping you up at night.
As a coach I also focus on your professional development. And bring you clarity to the tasks at hand, whatever they may be.
If this service sounds like something your business could use, let’s talk. I’d like to help you with the challenges you face.
To schedule a free exploratory call, please email me at [email protected].